The higer the wormwhole level the harder the enemies but also the higher the chance they drop satanic, set or even angelic gear.If you dont die but cannot manage to finish all the monsters on time your WH level stays the same. When i'm inside it's say 'Wormhole lvl 119', but the boss loot ilevel 12 items (but my friends loot 'normal ilevel item, as if they are. But when i play with friends, they open wormhole : It's say 'Wormhole lvl 70' for example on town. After the boss is dead a portal will open and if you killed all the enemies under the time limit a pedestal with a red button will be visible in front, PRESS IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE to increase your wormhole level to +1. Hi, There is something i don't inderstand (maybe it's a bug) : When i play alone and do so wormhole, everything is ok and got no problem with leveling wormhole. Tho Wormholes are probably the fastest way to gear up a character with Mythical items now: Play until an act boss-> get wormhole keys and do the wormhole.You can take your time killing the boss though, so be sure to heal and revive teamates before getting to him.Once all mosnters die you can face the boss to finish the stage. To increase the next wormhole level you must kill ALL the monsters in the current level before the timer runs out, if you die your wormhole level goes down by one.Please take into consideration, that you can currently skip regular enemies in wormhole just by pressing 'T' and you can. This guide covers endgame, that means wormhole progression with all characters, it's not aimed for leveling or just casual playing.
Hero siege wormhole as a party update#
Featuring the Wormhole Bosses in Hero Siege. Introduction: It was written for SEASON 1 and is no longer up to date, I will update it soon.

Enter the wormhole level, all enemies are of the same level, the higher the wormhole level, the higher the monsters level (which means you WILL hit a point where your level, build or equipement is not high enough to get you to complete the level on time) E 870 subscribers This is Part 4 of my Boss Strategy Guide Videos.There is an NPC in Inoya that opens wormhole portals for you if you have a wormhole key. Frozen Carver in Hero Siege compared to itself in Hero Siege 2.0 Items wont have any upgrades and will instead have all their stats when you find them in-game. This includes fully reworking every item in the game with new stats and adjusting it to a brand new system for you to discover.
Hero siege wormhole as a party full#
Wormholes are only available on Inferno difficulty. Hero Siege 2.0 will feature a full rework to the item system.